From what I understand, Alice Cooper had an alcohol problem early in his career but has been completely sober for many years [maybe 20 or more]. Alice replaced his addiction to alcohol with golf and spends a lot of time playing the game. Apparently he is a very good golfer.
I cannot tell a lie, I don't know Alice personally. He's just been a part of
my musical life since 1973ish.
I've seen him in concert quite a few times now, and have gotten damn close
to him.
Only once did I make it back stage after a show here. I was on a discussion
list with his old assistant, Brian 'Renfield' Nelson, and before the show I
met with Brian who gave us a could of passes. Unfortunately Alice was busy
with folks who won radio contests, so instead of him, we hung out and drank
beer with the band, which was pretty cool itself. Eric Singer, Pete Friesen,
Ryan Roxie, Greg Smith were all very nice and fun to be around.
I did manage an autograph from him that night after renfield took my jean
jacket to the signing table and Alice obliged.
'Remember the Coop!'
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