Re: [Classic_Rock_Forever]Alice Cooper


The next time I sit down with Alice, him and I are going to set the record
straight regarding that whole disputed trilogy.

There are direct references in 'Brutal Planet; to the album 'Last

This would make it part of the trilogy, which concludes in Dragontown.

This means nothing to the non freaks out there who are not mired in this
Cooper catalogue, but I still am ; )

...bring it on 'Coop!

-----Original Message-----

"Brutal Planet" is the 21st studio album by Alice Cooper,
released in 2000. Lyrically, "Brutal Planet" deals with themes
of dark "social fiction," including domestic violence ("Take
it Like a Woman"), war ("Pick Up The Bones") and
school shootings ("Wicked Young Man"). The album has been
erroneously reported as being the second in a trilogy (beginning with "The
Last Temptation" and ending with "Dragontown");
however, Cooper has stated that this is in fact not the case.

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