Re: [Classic_Rock_Forever] Couples That Rock


Got to thinking and I'd probably add Paul and Linda McCartney to the mix as well.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Classic_Rock_Forever] Couples That Rock

Some couples listed would be on my "couples that rock" list. Others not so much so .... and there are a few I never heard of.

My couples list would include:

- Love/Cobain [I know I am probably the only person in the world who thinks Courtney Love had talent]

- Stein/Harry [he's good and she's great]

- Buckingham/Nicks [a real force to reckon with in their day]

- Carter/Cash [its June Carter and Johnny Cash - enough said]

- Lennon/Ono [I'm a big Lennon fan and can tolerate Yoko. Besides I think some of Lennon's better work came out when they were together]

- Perry/Brand [probably the most powerful couple out there today]

Others couples listed in the article I question. Like .... 

- Jackson/Presley [were they even a real couple ??] 

- Bieber/Gomez [I'm thinking we will be looking them up in the "where are they now" files a couple of years from now].


On 2011-09-07, at 8:05 PM, John Hutchinson wrote:

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