
RE: [u2tour] Re: Best memory


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From: u2tour@yahoogroups.com [mailto:u2tour@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
kmaj35 Johnston
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 3:11 PM
To: u2tour@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [u2tour] Re: Best memory

My best memory is in 2009 in Raymond James Stadium in Tampa Florida. I was
standing outside waiting for the stadium to open, when all of sudden, I hear
sirens, and then a short gate was put up in front of me, such a small crowd
was gathered in this area. U2 is arriving...WOO HOO and there is Bono riding
in the back of a black Escalade. He rolls his window down, right in front of
me, waves, and I snap this shot! I was only 4 feet away! The beauty is: I
was at the right spot, at right time and that it was a "candid" shot and
YES, he is looking right at ME, as I snapped this photo! A moment I will
never forget!!! I have attached the photo!! I hope you enjoy!

Kim Johnston

"The world is a book and those that do not travel only read one page."

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