
[african_music] Toronto, ON: Batuki Music Society presents Msaada East Africa Relief Concert at the Lula Lounge on August 25, 2011 at 8 pm.


For Immediate Release: Toronto, ON. 2011.08.13
Batuki Music Society presents:  'MSAADA'; A Fundraiser for East Africa Relief.
Batuki Music Society invites you to 'Msaada', the East Africa Relief concert to benefit the Médicins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders Horn of Africa Crisis campaign taking place at the Lula Lounge on Thursday August 25th at 8 pm. 'Msaada' means help in the Kiswahili language, widely spoken in East Africa.
The concert features a lineup of some of Toronto's popular African artists:  Henok Abebe, Kooshin, Faduma Nakruma, Daniel Nebiat, Donne Roberts, Kemer Yousef, Njacko Backo and Val, Sonia Aimy, Ijovudu Dance, Hussein Adani, Yared Tesfaye, DJ Apollo and more. Many of the musicians performing hail from the countries severely affected by the famine (Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya) and are joining hands with Batuki Music Society to raise funds and public awareness. 100% of proceeds of the 'Msaada' concert to benefit the Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders Horn of Africa Crisis Campaign. All donations will be matched by the Government of Canada's East Africa Drought Relief Fund.
A wide swath of East Africa that includes Kenya and Ethiopia has been hit by years of drought, and regions of Somalia are suffering from the worst famine in 20 years, over 3 million people starving. Years of conflict in southern Somalia have exacerbated the emergency, preventing aid agencies from helping communities in the area. Thousands of Somalis have fled mainly to Kenya and Ethiopia, with many dying during the journey.
Your donations are valuable. We have a real opportunity to save lives through emergency relief efforts in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. Our hope is that Canadians will learn more about this crisis and donate funds to help those in need. Every dollar counts. Asante, shukran, thank you, merci.
Event: 'Msaada' East Africa Relief Benefit Concert
Venue: Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas Street West
Time: Doors open at 7 pm. Concert at 8 pm.
Tickets: Suggested donation $15 / PWYC
Information: info@batukimusic.com www.batukimusic.com www.lula.ca
www.msf.ca www.acdi-cida.gc.ca
Batuki Music Society
360A Bloor St. W.
P.O. Box 68585
Toronto, ON
M5S 1X0


"nurturing and strengthening cultural diversity through music and the arts."  

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