If you're not set on GA, keep checking Tickemaster. They frequently
drop tickets just before the show. I heard they dropped 1500 tickets
the day before the Baltimore show.
On Jul 2, 2011, at 8:17 AM, serena_rah wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm trying to go to the 7/20 NJ show and even though it's not for a
> while, I am getting a little nervous that I may not get tickets.
> There doesn't seem to be as much selling of NJ tickets as there have
> been for other shows (is it more high-profile or something, or is it
> just too early to judge at this point?).
> So in case I can't get them ahead of time, I was wondering if any of
> you have experienced going to a GA line hoping someone has tickets
> to sell. Have people been successful with this method? Would you
> recommend it? At Baltimore the guy next to me happened to be selling
> two GAs at face value, and a few other people as well, so I got the
> impression that if one gets to a show early enough, they'll have a
> good shot. Am I right? That line was well-organized, and people who
> had tickets to sell let the front organizer know - is that how it is
> at most shows?
> Lots of questions I know...I'd appreciate any help at all!
> Thanks,
> Sarah
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