
Re: [Classic_Rock_Forever] ON THIS DAY - FEB 23


--- On Sat, 2/26/11, Cfh <cfhiebert@sasktel.net> wrote:

First (I think) single I bought was Brownsville Station – Smoking in the Boys Room, backed with Barefootin'.


I'm not sure what mine was. It was probably a Beatles single on Capitol. My older sister might have bought that, along with the Hard Days Night album. I remember myself purchasing Hocos Pocus by Focus, Frankenstein by Edgar Winter (the instrumental fascination started early) and also One by Three dog Night and No More Mister Nice Guy by Alice. Which one I bought first, I cannot remember.

As far as my first bought album, thats hard to remember, as I was borrowing so many from people back then and taping them all. It could have been the Mark Don and Mel by Grand Funk or possibly Paranoid by Black Sabbath.


You're right, memories/emotions are absolutely attached to albums. The Cowboy song on Jailbreak has a certain power to it that has never gone away for me. Not sure if I've ever listened to the tune once....always had to repeat that gem!

oh absolutely, some songs are pure time capsules. I think everybody has songs like that, associated with a particular vivid memory of a space in time.

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