[oddmusic] Field Recording Manipulation


I did an experiment using Paul's Extreme Stretch harmonics function and Audacity with a field recording I made with a zoom H2.

online play at

I took the raw field recording
(included here http://notonlymusic.com/board/download/file.php?id=1187 )
and ran it through PES harmonics with a 25 cent bandwidth and 30 harmonics starting at 55 hz (A) and multiplying each time by a factor of 1.68 - which I *thought* would be inharmonic but look at the table where I compare my frequencies (left side) with the frequencies of 12 equal (right).

55hz A = 55 Hz
92.4 F# = 92.5
155.2 D# = 155.8
260.8 C = 261.6
438.1 A = 440

So I ended up with a fully diminished A chord in an open voicing... much to my chagrin!

keys at lowes

After that disappointment I then repeated the experiment using the base frequencies of 0.1, 3, 10, 17, 33 and 48 Hz spread in stereo space plus some of the original mixed in. (additional parameters are bandwidth of 2 and 100 harmonics)

this one is microtonal

do you want a key made?

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