
Re: [Classic_Rock_Forever] Deep Purple Mystery Solved!!


I'm about 3/4's through that Blackmore documentary that I posted yesterday. Interesting stuff, it truly focuses on Blackmore, but not in an expose way. Its just factual with a lot of interviews from back then and now. Many are just audio, most are with Ritchie.

Its interesting to hear the thoughts of people like David Coverdale, Glenn Hughs, Don Airey (played with Ritchie in Raibow). Lots of talk about his personality, but not as an ogre, just a moody fellow who loves his music more than people or money.


Thinking about this off and on for the last 35 years or so. If I ever make my 'cast in stone' list of favourite/best guitarist, Ritchie will be near, if not at the top.



On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 06:37:26 -0700 (PDT), howl dog <howldogg@yahoo.com> wrote:

yeah they were by all accounts, at each others throats (well, Blackmore vs Gillan anyway) during the making of Who Do We Think We Are and Gillan either quit, or was fired (depending on who you ask) after, or even during the recording-mixing (depending on who you ask)

no tour was ever even discussed. Instead, Blackmore-Lord-Paice went straight about looking for new people.

From: Cfh <cfhiebert@sasktel.net>
To: Classic_Rock_Forever@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Classic_Rock_Forever] Deep Purple Mystery Solved!!

Black Suede has a particularly dramatic solo by Jon Lord, the 'beast'
was rearing its beautifully/ugly head there!
  Too bad that was pretty much the end of that incarnation. I don't
think this album was even considered to have a tour associated.

On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 10:35:19 -0600, LM <thermal@wcox.com> wrote:
I'll give that another listen. Haven't heard in many many years.
> Thx, LM
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